Corrections Trend Evaluation
The main focus of the research was the development of the institutional and community-based corrections. The research included the analysis of the development of alternatives to incarceration in the judicial system in the past, present and future. There was given a definition of community corrections, and the advantages of this form of punishment in comparison with the traditional one imprisonment were described
Advantages and Disadvantages of Legalization of Marijuana in Canada
Advantages and Disadvantages of Legalization of Marijuana in Canada. Drugs is one of the most urgent and depressing problems in the world. Hundred millions of lives are shattered by these poisonous substances
Is the Social Responsibility of Business to Increase its Profits?
Is the Social Responsibility of Business to Increase its Profits?. The concept of social responsibility in terms of business activity is a controversial, complicated and quite miscellaneous issue, especially in the current course of time. The notion of business activity has often been regarded as being rather far from any ethical norms and moral principles
Case Summary & Analysis of R. v. MacDonald
There was a complaint of loud music, noisily coming from MacDonald’s Halifax condominium unit to which the Police responded. In an attempt to get MacDonald to answer his door, an officer started knocking on and kicking the door. The officer shouted that Halifax Regional Police is where he was from
Life-Five to Ten Years from Now
For any business to operate successfully, it must have a well laid down plan that includes its vision, mission, and the goals that need to be achieved through defining the companys objectives. The same issue happens to a personal life where failing to plan your life means planning to fail in your entire life
Defining mortgage expenses
The case is solved in several steps. The first step includes calculation of available funds as the sum of excess budget (growing by the inflation rate each year), difference between Denises full time and part time wages (also subject to inflation effect), merit increase of Mannys wage over the years 2 to 11 (subject to inflation effect), and excess amount of re-mortgage loan received in year 1.
Female Circumcision
How does it feel to be a woman in the contemporary world? Women have to combine their career with the family life and be successful in both. They need to meet the expectations of society in order to become its successful members. The expectations vary, depending on the particular culture women live in; sometimes they encourage women to become stronger, but sometimes they leave women in despair
Estate of Genevieve Kobylski v. Geza Hellstern
During the first marriage, Genevieve owned a residence, where she lived together with her husband and children. She continued living in this residence when she got married to Geza, while she retained the title to the property in her own name. In the course of their marriage, Genevieve and Geza made significant improvements to the residence using cash from their joint checking and savings accounts
Bounty Paper Towels Research Paper
This paper has two significant parts. The first part entails primary research, where Elena Gomez, a sincere loyalist to Bounty paper towels brand was interviewed. The key findings from the interview indicated that her loyalty is always motivated by the rate of advertising, packaging, and the perception of quality
Crime Scene Investigation
Investigators may apply the updated, current, simple, and complex forensic techniques to thoroughly and accurately examine the crime scene. Though the specificity of this work has significantly changed, photographing the location, where a criminal act has occurred, using the recent advanced technologies, remains the main tool in the forensic investigation