Law Essay
Human and Drug Trafficking

Nobody would argue the fact that such profound initiative as deployment of a comprehensive information system for reduction of human and drug trafficking in South Texas County requires multiple steps in regard to initial outline of the incentive. As a result, the given part also contributes much to the specific aspects of the suggested system. The authors failed to address numerous organizational and managerial aspects in previous parts, so that the purpose of the current paper is to give an account of reporting issues, communication processes, evaluation and monitoring the human resource, and the system as a whole.

A need for such constraints arises due to the fact that each recently implemented system requires maintenance. This requirement does not primarily hold a technical sense, once such issues as reporting results, control of quality and its subsequent assurance, and planning of far-reaching objectives are still the matter of human decision-making. Installation of information system implies a benefit from the perspective of legal and social impacts, while technical, as well as managerial perspectives expected a dramatic sophistication. Thus, the following paper outlines certain requirements and interventions related to communication, reporting, evaluation, and quality control of the information system. The paper also pays a particular attention to the involvement of stakeholders, who may provide useful opinions concerning a certain aspect of the system. Hence, the paper outlines organizational, as well as communicational aspects and requirements to the suggested information system in South Texas County.

Communication Process Among Key Personnel

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It is becoming increasingly apparent that communication process is pivotal for the initiative. As a result, appropriate use of communication as an effective managerial tool requires some training. Without doubt, training should be entirely liberal, once the key personnel will need to feel confident enough in communication with peer workers and representatives of other teams and departments. Consequently, training session regarding managerial approach towards communication is the initial activity for deployment of the change program (Welsh & Harris, 2016). However, communication still has to follow a specific policy or complex of standards that determine content, schedule, and hierarchy of communication within the project team and the entire department. At the same time, a key communicative process is a promotion of transparent data for involved stakeholders. Generally speaking, communication should cause positive action and decision-making within the department in order to facilitate performance of the recently implemented system (Welsh & Harris, 2016). Thus, communication among the key personnel members should include sharing of existing data concerning drug smuggling, human trafficking, and related demographic statistics (Posavac, 2015). Communication is evidently recognized as a social method to boost action or even a drastic change, but it is fair to note that communication process is not necessarily result-oriented. As a matter of fact, communication processes among key personnel members may serve a function of responsibility designators. Therefore, vague stakeholder analysis would reveal disadvantages in allocation of responsibilities. Similarly, communication underpins ethical environment within the system, which is why it is important to standardize any practice related to average performance.

Cyclical Evaluation to Identify Future Problems and Program Development Changes

Cyclical evaluation of any recently installed system base on three main constraints: determination of triggers of failure, determination of triggers of success, and changes the central agents of the initiative make (Welsh & Harris, 2016). In such way, triggers of failure as the ones occurring as a result of personnel negligence, lack of experience, or human error, as well as the ones, which arise due to gaps in initial planning and design (Welsh & Harris, 2016). In order to speak about triggers of success, it is appropriate to admit that success largely depends on a presence of communication, internal capacities, flows of useful data, and improved fit of the system in relation to the workforce (Welsh & Harris, 2016). Therefore, it is possible to evaluate the system according to these criteria throughout its entire lifecycle. Division into fails and success simplifies evaluation, once a distinct comprehension of key strength and potential gaps is crucial for addressing the problem.

Additionally, evaluation throughout making a positive change is a sophisticated method to assess the system within its lifecycle. Making a positive change causes a rise of commitment among the personnel and results in innovative approaches to operations related to the system (Posavac, 2015). Hence, a former state of the system was insufficient for meeting the requirements of the criminal justice system. However, a type of changes is also an important consideration, once making a redundant change does not improve a former state of the system but worsens it.

System Used to Continuously Collect Stakeholder Concerns and Recommendations

First of all, it is crucial to collect stakeholders concerns and recommendations throughout regular planning of reporting meetings. Reporting meetings are especially devoted to sharing information about progress of the initiative, so that it is the most appropriate setting to deliver specific concerns or even thoughts related to the performance of the system. Therefore, the system of reporting collection has to follow a particular schedule for data collection in that regard (Posavac, 2015). Moreover, one should understand communication as the process of sharing information for a further acting and decision-making, so it requires planning in accordance to the overall schedule. At the same time, the system of stakeholder concerns collection should utilize interpersonal communication, as long as it is the most prominent way of exchanging knowledge. In addition, some stakeholders may feel more confident to report about their concerns under circumstances of face-to-face communication (Posavac, 2015). Reporting concerns throughout standardized system usually results in doubts among average workers, since they consider their recommendations as redundant.

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In addition, collection of stakeholder concerns and recommendations should seek for a particular purpose. Without doubt, each individual has a personal point of view in regards to almost any known subject. Nevertheless, it does not necessarily mean that all opinions can be technically unified, which is why collection of stakeholder concerns should pursue a goal to internally evaluate the system (Welsh & Harris, 2016). Provided that the personnel is not satisfied with something, they expect the leaders to address the problem in relation to system excellence, as well as to satisfaction of the human resource. For such reason, collection of stakeholder concerns is usually present in a particular context (Posavac, 2015). In general, collection of stakeholder concerns and recommendations usually relates to some persistent subject, preventing the leaders from collecting all concerns of their subordinates.

Monitoring Strategies to Evaluate Personnel Performance

As it has become obvious, reporting is one of the bset ways to evaluate performance of the human resource. Development of a specific policy that promotes reporting as an obligatory activity enables the departments to trace the performance of the workforce at all stages of the system lifecycle (Doss, Guo, & Lee, 2012). Moreover, deployment of standard quality control and assurance strategies is also applicable in this case, once the system operates not only with the workforce but also with data, information technologies, and other agencies (Doss, Guo, & Lee, 2012). Hence, quality assurance and control help in verifying professional attitude towards each aspect.

Besides that, it is necessary to collect data for measuring personnel performance. Specialists are always able to interpret establishment of specific standards for initially designated areas of performance into statistical data. In such way, a recently installed information system will serve an additional function, enabling the departments to control their performance in an interactive way (Doss, Guo, & Lee, 2012). For this reason, it is necessary to boost the development of specific deliverables for each team or group of workers. Such deliverables can be qualitative but their representation in quantity is still a reliable source to trace performance of workers. As a result, a constant monitoring of performance initially advances commitment of workers. Therefore, overall cost-benefit analysis is an ultimate consideration, as such issue as funds provided with potential grants and federal agencies limit the performance of workers within the incentive (Doss, Guo, & Lee, 2012). Hence, a reasonable expenditure of costs is one of the main constraints of a successful performance of the system and workers, who are involved in the incentive.

Reassessment, Updates of Inconsistencies, Contradictions, or Inadequacies

In order to speak about reassessment of the initiative, an overall review suggests that it is necessary to provide more managerial approach. Implementation of new information system does not necessarily mean effectiveness of the department, so that regular update of layouts, training, and creation of the best practice is important for a long-term performance of the system. At the same time, it is fair to admit that the program should rely heavily not only on standard grants but also on a so-called discretionary funding from the state and federal governments but in terms of competition (NCJRS, 2016). The initiative implies a strong social impact, and has all chances to receive additional financial support. In consequence, forecasting of costs is relatively inadequate, once installation of information system would require substantial expenses (Doss, Guo, & Lee, 2012). Information system is a technical aspect, which requires substantial costs. Consequently, the individuals responsible for initiative need to review the requests regarding expenditures.

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However, the main question of the reassessment emerged in the end of second evaluation. The system seems to address the problem effectively, but there is a great uncertainty regarding its success in dealing with factual causes of the problem. It is a fundamental question and its presence in this proposal explaines the need to clarify future areas of advancing the suggested system (Doss, Guo, & Lee, 2012). Eventually, the initiative lacks a profound SWOT analysis, which can indicate intangible implications of the system.


It is appropriate to make a general comment on the fact that the system requires numerous aspects for consideration. In such way, key processes of communication among the personnel are reasonable and important aspects. First of all, such consideration is true due to the fact that communication is a central facilitator of decision-making, actions, and reporting. As for reporting, the initiative pays a particular attention to this aspect, once seriousness of the deployed methods presupposes a respective conduct of all operations. Basic standards of practice help reasonable scoping of reporting to the extent that it produces a positive impact on the incentives outcomes. It is also informative to note that the initiative deployed two types of evaluation: cyclical evaluation of the system, and evaluation of personnel performance. The two aspects relate to each other, and their independent assessment is an important consideration. In order to return to the subject of reporting, it is important to mention the design of system for collection of stakeholder concerns and recommendations. Such decision addresses an internal context of the program, which is why it is possible to guarantee the leverage of working conditions, as well as compliance of the system with its practical needs. Finally, the paper provided reassessment and revision of the initiative scoping, as well as presented the updates within short, as well as long perspective. This is a natural process, which makes it possible to provide revision of the system in terms of framework developed by the outcomes of cyclical evaluation.

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