Patient Falls Prevention Program for Memorial Manor
The current patient fall prevention program proposal aims at finding the best way of reducing and ultimately eliminating patient falls in Memorial Manor Nursing Home, a member of Memorial Healthcare System since 1989.
DetailsNutrition as the Basic Principle of Creation Health
The paper explores nutrition as the basic principle of creation health. It also researches nutrition as a part of CREATION system of principles, which includes choice, rest, environment, activity, trust, interpersonal relationships, outlook, and nutrition.
DetailsHepatitis B Virus Disease
Hepatitis is an infection caused by a variety of viruses. Few of them are of global importance. The hepatitis B virus is a causal agent of the hepatitis B disease affecting millions of people throughout the world.
The present paper focuses on the phenomenon of thalassemia, its pathophysiology, diagnostic testing and its peculiarities as well as treatment modalities and other relevant practical aspects.
DetailsPancreatic Cancer
Pancreatic cancer is one of the less studied yet fatal causes of death in modern society. In essence, most of these causes are exocrine tumors (McCance & Huether, 2014).
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