Business Essay
Mohammed Bin Rashid Space Centre Business Excellence Model


The topic of Mohammed bin Rashid Space Center business excellence model is important since it helps establish the influence of this model on the effectiveness of the business in general. Additionally, MBRSC is committed to achievement of ambitious purposes. Space science and researches in the UAE are one of the fast-developing branches, and the region is interested in various investigations of this issue. Nowadays, space satellite projects are one of the Dubai government initiatives, they are part of the Emirates Mars Mission (for instance, Mohammed Bin Rashid Space Center). It is important to establish what type of planet the mankind has, what can be done to prevent disasters, what influences the Earth the most, etc. Promoting the development of these sectors is not a new branch of science; however, there is still little known about the opportunities of people in space. The significance in the economic sense includes supporting different organizations that manage natural disasters. In addition, there are land planning, missions, monitoring of environment, etc.

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Key Research Questions

The research questions are:

What is the influence of the business excellence model on the organizational performance?

What is the business side of the business excellence model?

What are the successful results in establishing the knowledge-based economy (particularly, in the United Arab Emirates)?

Objectives and Aims

Concerning the objectives, one of the business excellence models that had been adopted by Mohammed Bin Rashid Space Centre was chosen to show the provision of significant information about implementing BEM into the organization. There is a real example of the organization SKEA that adopted such a model into its operations. The aims are to investigate the effectiveness of the model and its impact.

Literature Review

The literature chosen to support the current report consists of the internet resources and the latest periodicals about SKEA and sustainable development of the center. The official site is used as well as other Arab sites significant on this topic. Theoretical aspects of the topic provide the information about the influence of various MBRSC operations. According to the literature used, SKEA had a great impact on organization and both future and current communities.


During the research, the newest information was used and data analysis was based on the general information about the excellence business model of SKEA and its practical results. UAE Exchange House was taken to analyze the impact of the SKEA award on the organizational operations. It is committed to work over the services in the financial field and exchange industry such as money transfer.

Qualitative research methods were used along with the quantitative ones. The first helped outline how the model influenced particular organization, how it was organized, etc. Quantitative methods helped compare certain indexes during various periods.

Data Analysis

To answer some of the key questions, new business excellence models have been developed in various organizations of the UAE. One of these models is Sheikh Khalifa Excellence Award (SKEA). The offered instruments of SKEA help unite BEM with administrative methods/tools and organizational features/culture for the management of the organization. Sheikh Khalifa Excellence Award is organized by a chamber of commerce that was developed to recognize the organizations which show highly effective results and continuous improvement to support the prospering economy. To unite their practice of management into balanced complete model, SKEA uses EFQM (the European Fund for Quality Management) model to evaluate the participating organizations and the winners among them, who have successfully carried out the parameters recommended by model. With the use of EFQM model of excellence, the organization can define advantages and improve all aspects of their actions, thus having allowed the organizations to concentrate on priority areas and actions for improvement. It offers self-assessment methodology against the international criteria of the business superiority used everywhere across the Europe and out of it (Abdullah et al. 2012).

The empirical help of the companies on a world scale consists of investigation and analysis of how fully BEM can work in practice as addition to the existing management strategy. UAE Exchange House was taken to analyze the impact of the SKEA award on the organizational operations. The company had to adapt its models for special conditions. The researchers showed that the organization with that BEM was allowed to get considerable advantages including the increased financial profit (Abdullah et al. 2012).

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Additionally, UAE Exchange House got non-material results (Abdullah et al. 2012). New researches about financial impacts of the implementation of BEM were conducted with the help of more than 120 national, regional, and European awards of the companies during the period of 1990-2006. It was done by carefully selected comparison of the companies from the same industry and the country in general as the companies were noted by an award. The analyzed companies have been publicly sold. In the UAE Exchange House, essential distinctions in financial results can be found 5 years prior to awarding (Abdullah et al. 2012).

During post-introduction (5 years later after the award has been given), distinctions between these groups of companies became brighter and brighter in particular financial results. In comparison with other companies, an award company experienced the further 8% growth of its sales 1 year later after the award was given. Consequently, proceeds have increased to 17% 3 years and 78% 5 years after an award. Thus, as for the net operating income, there was 40% of a total cost of property, and it decreased by 4.4% in cost of sales. This gives an opportunity to think that SKEA positively influences management and financial operations. However, in the literature, not all conclusions are positive. Some results of researches that investigated the use of BEM do not guarantee success (Dahlgaard et al. 2013), and the companies complain that they meet difficulties with using such models.


Uniqueness of the SKEA program was the fact that it was the first program which would be completely leveled with the international most successful practice and acceptance of EFQM model. All other local awards have followed this example in Dubai, Sharjah Adzhman, etc. However, SKEA continued to maintain the competitiveness, becoming the large national distributor and the representative of the real owners of excellence model in Europe, namely the European Fund for Quality Management (EFQM). Besides, SKEA also followed ahead to prepare the first Arab version of the EFQM 2013 model, which was approved by all other Arab language speaking countries with local distributors, representatives, and also experts in the field of organizational excellence (El Tigani n.d.).

Eventually, during the long history of SKEA since its beginning, more than 10,000 organizations in the United Arab Emirates have been using this model of excellence. Hundreds of them annually participate in the cycles of assessment. Tens of them become the recipients of the awards of SKEA. At last, it should be noted that SKEA is a full program offering all corresponding products and services connected with quality and superiority including the licensed appraisers, trainings, the way to perfection for programs (J2E), and the leaders for superiority (L4E). Their courses are devised for managers and other members of the administrative board in all organizations working in the United Arab Emirates (Dahlgaard et al. 2013). In addition to other schemes of subject recognition, the international products of EFQM aimed at encouraging organizations in the United Arab Emirates in order to support their efforts in achieving transformation of excellence. All these programs are offered by SKEA in the Arab and English languages with the same mandatory international recognition offered by EFQM nowadays (Nambiar 2012).

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Finally, the discussed model and its basic principles provide the ideal basis for recommendations and actions. It can also work as a basis for development of the general ethics code and improvement advices in all organization. If it is properly leveled with the corporate strategy, the process of self-assessment in the organization can provide considerable instrument for measuring achievements on the way to formation to the best in a class (Al Ameri 2011). Managers help understand this process and its use in the structure of the organization of the planning processes. Introduction of it can be used as the effective instrument of change between cultures, where people and groups measure results of their work. It is done to understand shortcomings and to take measures to improve efficiency of workers and the results of their work (Nambiar 2012).

It is important for SKEA to use the standard tools which always support comprehensive understanding of an organizational trip of change. The purposes, present provision, culture, and actions are the main aspects of successful organization (Al Ameri 2011). Through this understanding, it is possible to expand and develop standard or non-standard approaches to work within the organization and create further steps for the organization to change its direction. These approaches include elements of the plan, creating changes, estimating work, and analyzing efficiency.


Finally, only after precise evaluating of SKEA and its influences, it is seen that it helps choose the strongest organizations, particularly in the sphere of space investigation. One of the business excellence models that had been adopted by Mohammed Bin Rashid Space Centre was chosen to show providing significant information about implementing BEM into MBRSC. SKEA was a unique BEM. Uniqueness of the SKEA program was in the fact that it was the first program which would be completely leveled with the international most successful practice and acceptance of EFQM model. All other local awards have followed this example in Dubai, Sharjah Adzhman, etc.

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